The Director-General met with the Staff Union Committee
On 27 February 2017, the Director-General met with the Staff Union Committee in Geneva and the Titular staff representatives in the field. The latter responded
On 27 February 2017, the Director-General met with the Staff Union Committee in Geneva and the Titular staff representatives in the field. The latter responded
Dear colleagues, As you may know, a number of important changes have been made to P and D staff compensation. These are further explained here:
For more information: FICSA’s website (http://ficsa.org/) link to the youtube video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh7XhQTIXt8&feature=youtu.be
Implementation of the collective agreement on a procedure for recruitment and selection began in January 2015. Since then the Recruitment, Assignment and Mobility Committee (RAMC)