Mission & objectives
Vision :
A global Staff Union, at the dawn of its second Centenary, which accompanies the transformation of the ILO and ensures a decent work environment, by representing all staff* as an equal and strong partner in social dialogue.
We promote social justice, equity and equality for all staff* in order to have ONE ILO by:
- mobilizing and organizing for an even stronger and better equipped Staff Union;
- safeguarding and improving decent working and employment conditions for all ILO staff;
- negotiating fair, transparent and effective collective agreements with the Administration
Objectives 2020-2025
Industrial relations: ensure sustainable well-functioning social dialogue and collective bargaining through the effective implementation of the Recognition and Procedural Agreement (2000).
Job security: Negotiation of a protective, fair and inclusive contract policy to put an end to recurring precariousness and reduce disparity between different types of contracts. Working for a fair and standardized joint recruitment process for all staff through improving or creating joint bodies for mobility and redeployment.
A career development path for all staff linked to a fair and transparent performance appraisal system – with equal access to the staff development fund – and connected to adequate training; a negotiated and adequate job classification process, a fair recruitment and mobility system that respects staff diversity, and a transparent rewarding mechanism.
Enhancement of staff security, Occupational safety and Health and both physical and mental health and well-being for all ILO staff around the world in the context of multifaceted crises and ensure equal treatment of all staff as well as support crisis response initiatives in fragile contexts.
Full social protection: Ensure effective, efficient and sustainable health care and pension funds. Advocate for and negotiate the creation of unemployment and maternity / paternity / parental insurance schemes.
A diverse, inclusive, equal and equitable workplace through combating all forms of discrimination, and promoting an ILO free from violence and harassment: Drawing inspiration from recently adopted C.190 and aligning with UN system wide rules and regulations against all forms of violence and harassment at work.
Protection of the independence of the international civil service: defend and support the exclusively international character of the staff (Article 9, paragraphs 4 and 5, of the ILO Constitution), promote its impartiality and defend the integrity and independence of ILOAT.
An even stronger and better equipped Union: Maintaining and expanding our membership, enhancing solidarity, strengthening capacities of Union representatives, improving internal operations, communication and coherence in its actions.
Course of actions 2020-2025
1 – Mobilizing and organizing for an even stronger and better equipped Staff Union:
- Increase membership rate among staff.
- Enhance communication in English, French and
Spanish, i.e. web page and social media platforms, and the capacity of the SU to the members in order to get their timely support. - Training for :
- All executive members of the staff union
(HQ and field staff representatives, union
stewards, secretariat); - Members on their rights and obligations.
- All executive members of the staff union
- Promote One ILO staff union through internal coherence in the actions and decisions taken.
- Strengthen existing alliances with all actors playing a role in the improvement of working and employment conditions of international civil service (global trade union federations, CCISUA, civil society, etc.).
2 – Safeguarding and improving decent working and employment conditions for all ILO staff:
- Collect information through stewards and members network at HQ and in the Field for analysis of good practices and areas for improvement; identification of Staff Rules violations.
- Ensure equal rights and the absence of discrimination by negotiating a new fair contracts policy in application of the “One ILO” principle.
- Within the framework of Statutory Joint Bodies, formally report identified violations of existing rules and practices and propose improvements and/or amendments drawing from best practices.
- Undertake any appropriate action (including legal or collective action) to address violations and/or absence of commitment to address problems or willingness to introduce improvements. Campaigning and organising staff with a view to achieving improvements and transformation in the larger framework of the UN Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals and the Declaration for the Future of Work.
- Negotiate for an improved and effective implementation of a teleworking policy and other working arrangements related to work-life balance and appropriate work environment
- Promote the creation of OSH Committees in each duty station. Ensure well-trained representation in OSH committees. Negotiate the review of the Performance Management Tools and procedures, transparency of the Reports Board, to avoid potential discrimination of and/or harassment on staff members.
3 – Ensure effective social dialogue and negotiate fair and effective collective agreements:
- Maintain parameters for a sound Industrial Relations (IR) framework (based on equity, trust, equal access to Information and an arbitration mechanism).
- Ensure that all negotiations are conducted through a gender equality, non-discrimination and intersectional lens.
- Strengthen the capacity of staff representatives in negotiation techniques, on a regular basis and when needed.
Recent News

Bulletin 1607 – Statement by the Chairperson of the Staff Union – 353rd Session of the Governing Body (11 March 2025)
Please note that Staff Union Bulletin No. 1607 on the above mentioned subject can be consulted here: Bulletin 1607.

Resolution 108 on the Direct or Indirect Consequences for ILO Staff of the US Administration’s Decisions in relation to Funding
Please fin the document following this link: Resolution 108

Annual General Meeting, First session – 20 February 2025
The first session of the Annual General Meeting of the ILO Staff Union will be held on Thursday, 20 February 2025, at 1.30 p.m. (and