International relations


Harvey Addo-Yobo


Manuel Céspedes Ocampo


Sophie Guerre Chaillet


Simon Hills

Coordinator: Harvey Addo-Yobo

Members: Manuel Céspedes Ocampo, Sophie Guerre Chaillet, Simon Hills

In collaboration with

Objective: To strengthen alliances with key players involved in the improvement of working and employment conditions in the international civil service (international staff union federations, CCISUA, civil society, etc.) and to work in the long-term for the introduction of collective bargaining to the United Nations.

Means of action

  • Strengthening ties with major international unions and those with whom the Staff Union is affiliated in order to benefit from their logistics and influence, and create a better framework for labour relations in the context of UN reform.
  • Working towards the sharing of knowledge, resources and activities in advocacy campaigns led by the staff federations of the International Civil Service to address the potential threat of contractual reform throughout the whole of the UN common system.
  • Continuing activities with already existing FUNSAs. Encouraging ILO staff representatives to participate in or create local FUNSAs in the field in order to better respond to the interests and needs of international organization staff locally.
  • Participate in events organised by the various trade union federations (PSI, CGAS, etc.) in order to represent the interests of the ILO Staff Union.
  • Strengthen internal communication to inform the Staff Union’s members about the objectives and positions taken by the various trade union federations as well as about the obstacles encountered.

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