Information session – How the pay cuts will affect you

Dear Colleagues, As you may know, the UN General Assembly will next month decide on whether to make significant cuts to the pay of Professional staff at the UN. A similar exercise will take place in one to two years’ time for General Service colleagues. For most staff, the cuts will result in a loss […]

Alert – New attack on salaries in Bangkok!

Dear colleagues, We have been informed of the results of the 2016 local salary survey for General Service staff in Bangkok, which is due to be implemented imminently. The UN’s Office of Human Resources Management (OHRM) intends to introduce a third, lower salary scale for General Service staff joining after the implementation date. Thus General […]

Speech of the Chairperson of the UNION to the PFA, 31 October 2017

(In French only) Conseil d’administration Session 331 octobre-novembre 2017 Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Directeur général, Mesdames, Messieurs les délégués, Cher(e)s collègues, J’ai l’honneur de m’adresser à vous aujourd’hui en tant que Présidente élue du Syndicat du personnel de l’OIT, lequel représente près de 70 pour cent des membres du personnel. C’est une grande opportunité […]