Bulletin 1598 – Review of recent events

Dear colleagues, This year has been a busy one so far for the Staff Union. Please click here to find a brief overview of our activities for the first half of the year. 

Speech by the Chairperson of the Staff Union – ILO Governing Body, PFA (5 March 2024)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfxGf6NvR5I Mr Chairperson,Mr Director-General,Ladies and gentlemen of the Governing Body, Dear colleagues, and all of you here today, in this room or online, There’s an old adage that says “never twice without thrice”, so here I am once again privileged to address you; always with the apprehension that is certainly necessary when it comes to […]

Directors: No-call for an expression of interest (internal/external)

If you see a new call for expressions of interest for a director’s position published on the recruitment platform, ILO Jobs … what do you consider? In the current context, this might seem like a good sign, finally showing the Administration’s interest in promoting in-house skills, offering career advancement opportunities and allowing colleagues to come […]