Information session – How the pay cuts will affect you

Dear Colleagues,

As you may know, the UN General Assembly will next month decide on whether to make significant cuts to the pay of Professional staff at the UN.

A similar exercise will take place in one to two years’ time for General Service colleagues.

For most staff, the cuts will result in a loss of several thousand francs per year, even though the work expected of you will not be reduced.

In order to explain how much worse off you might be as a result of such a decision and, more importantly, what we need to do to prevent it, we are organizing an information session:

this Thursday, 29 October, at 1 p.m., in Room V (R3, south)

In the meantime, please sign this petition, whether you are Professional or General Service staff:

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday!

Ian Richards, Chairperson CCISUA
Catherine Comte-Tiberghien, Chairperson, ILO Staff Union