I’ve been with the ILO on and off for over 12 years, in various positions from excoll to project CTA in Africa, Asia Pacific, Arab States and finally HQ, so I have seen a lot of the work and challenges that those working for the ILO face.
Since joining the Staff Union Committee, I’ve been heavily involved in the joint negotiations on contracts and working conditions, striving to help ensure better alignment and protections for all ILO staff.
I am running for the Staff Union Committee again as I do feel it is important to support the work of the union and our collective interests, especially given the recent and ongoing erosion of our working conditions by the ICSC and other threats, and I feel I can make a positive contribution to the organization as part of the committee.
I am standing for re-election:
– Because the Organisation often forgets the notion of ‘Human’,
– Because I have seen too many injustices,
– Because there is a lack of equal treatment, fairness and career opportunities for colleagues,
– To ensure that our achievements are not trampled underfoot,
– In short, to promote social justice.
I would also like to take advantage of this new mandate to develop a project to accompany and support colleagues who may one day be faced with illness. I’ve been personally affected, and I hope that this ordeal will not be compounded by fear of returning to work, stigmatisation or losing one’s job.
It’s to improve all these issues that I’m committing myself to the Union!
Let’s not forget that vulnerability and resilience are assets that contribute to our development.
Thank you for your support.
Witnessing the work of the Staff Union, especially over the past two years, helped me realize that I could be of value to their work in ensuring that the interest of the staff is adequately represented and protected in the ILO. I personally believe that the success of this Organization is inherently linked with the ways in which staff can feel valued, appreciated and motivated. And it is through the effective and inclusive social dialogue that such conditions can truly be created. With my experience in the field of industrial relations I hope to lend a valuable expertise in the representation of ILO staff, the support of social dialogue and ultimately the advancement of this Organization in achieving its potential with full consideration of the wellbeing of its own staff.
I am standing for re-election to the Committee in Geneva because I would like to finish the negotiations on the contracts, in particular the objective of equal treatment between the regular budget and technical cooperation. The second subject close to my heart is social protection, on which I have been working for 2 years as a member of the Committee.
My pledge is to strive to improve working conditions for all ILO staff while maintaining acquired rights. I will always listen to and advise staff in need of support.
The effectiveness of our Office largely depends on our ability to deploy the right talents, where they are needed, in a timely manner. At the same time, as ILO Staff, we all deserve an inclusive work environment that values every voice and every talent, resolves conflicts constructively, allows us to innovate, and celebrate our collective successes.
The Office’s effectiveness and the staff well-being are deeply interconnected. Decent ILO jobs are essential to the Office’s authoritative influence – and the Staff Union plays a critical role in holding Management accountable for fair recruitment practices, upskilling opportunities and clear career pathways, and decent working conditions for ALL.
Ultimately, for our mandate to truly thrive, competencies and skills must take precedence over personal networks and behind-the-scenes deals. It is equally important to accommodate the needs of under-represented groups and ensuring we all get a fair chance to contribute to a world with more social justice.
I believe in these principles, and this is why I am running for this election as Staff Union Committee Member.