Speech by the Chairperson of the Staff Union – ILO Governing Body, PFA (29 October 2024)

https://youtu.be/rkkSh5sOdxQ Mr Chairperson, Mr Director-General, Members of the Governing Body, Dear colleagues and all of you here today, in this room or online, It is an honour that I cannot take lightly to be able once again to speak on behalf of all my colleagues, as Chairperson of a Staff Union that represents more […]
Speech by the Chairperson of the Staff Union – ILO Governing Body, PFA (5 March 2024)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfxGf6NvR5I Mr Chairperson,Mr Director-General,Ladies and gentlemen of the Governing Body, Dear colleagues, and all of you here today, in this room or online, There’s an old adage that says “never twice without thrice”, so here I am once again privileged to address you; always with the apprehension that is certainly necessary when it comes to […]
Speech of the Chairperson of the Staff Union – PFA, 31 October 2023

ILO Governing Body, PFA, 31 October 2023 Speech by the Chairperson of the Staff Union https://ilostaffunion.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Syndicat-reduced-2.mp4 [UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION] Mr Chairperson, Mr Director-General,Ladies and Gentlemen of the Governing Body, Dear Colleagues, all of you here today, in this room or online, This is the second time I have addressed you as Chairperson of the Staff Union […]
Bulletin 1557 – Statement by the Chaiperson of the Staff Union – 341st session of the Governing Body (March 2021)

Please note that Staff Union Bulletin No. 1557 on the above -mentioned subject can be consulted here: Bulletin 1557
Bulletin No 1551 – Statement by the Chairperson of the Staff Union to the Governing Body – 340th session, 3 November 2020

Please note that Staff Union Bulletin No. 1551 on the above -mentioned subject can be consulted here: Bulletin 1551
Speech of the President of the ILO Staff Union at the 337th session of the GB

You can find the speech (only in French currently, other languages will follow as soon as possible) by clicking on the following link GB-PFA-Oct 2019-Discours doct2019-final
Speech of the President of the Staff Union, GB, 334th Session, 30 October 2018

If you were not present in the GB room, you can have access to it here: GB334-discours PFANovember2018-final – ENGLISH translation
Bulletin 1535 – Statement by the Chairperson of the Staff Union to the Programme, Financial and Administrative Section of the Governing Body, (332nd session – 13 March 2018)

Please note that Staff Union Bulletin No. 1535 on the above -mentioned subject can be consulted here: Bulletin 1535
Bulletin 1532 – Statement by the Chairperson of the Staff Union Committee to the Programme, Financial and Administrative Section, (331st Session – 31 October 2017)

Please note that Staff Union Bulletin No. 1532 on the above -mentioned subject can be consulted here: Bulletin 1532
Speech of the Chairperson of the UNION to the PFA, 31 October 2017

(In French only) Conseil d’administration Session 331 octobre-novembre 2017 Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Directeur général, Mesdames, Messieurs les délégués, Cher(e)s collègues, J’ai l’honneur de m’adresser à vous aujourd’hui en tant que Présidente élue du Syndicat du personnel de l’OIT, lequel représente près de 70 pour cent des membres du personnel. C’est une grande opportunité […]
Bulletin 1522 – Statement by the Chairperson of the Staff Union Committee to the Programme, Financial and Administrative Section of the ILO Governing Body, (329th Session – March 2017)

Please note that Staff Union Bulletin No. 1522 on the above -mentioned subject can be consulted here: Bulletin 1522
Bulletin 1517 – Statement by the Chairperson of the Staff Union Committee to the Programme, Financial and Administrative Section of the Governing Body, (328th Session – 1 November 2016)

Please note that Staff Union Bulletin No. 1557 on the above -mentioned subject can be consulted here: Bulletin 1517