Election of Union Stewards – Results

Following the Staff Union broadcast of 30 June 2014, announcing the Union Steward elections in the new constituencies created after the HQ structure reform, the Staff Union is pleased to announce that the Staff Union Steward Network now represents 17 out of 37 constituencies in ILO HQ. For the results of the electoral process please […]

Resolution from 1 to 97

Please find here-under the list of resolutions adopted during Annual General Assembly of the Staff Union: r_1-ang.pdf r_2-ang.pdf r_3-ang.pdf r_4-a.pdf r_5-ang.pdf r_6-ang.pdf r_7-ang.pdf r_8-ang.pdf r_9-ang.pdf r_10-ang.pdf r_11-ang.pdf r_12-ang.pdf r_13-ang.pdf r_14-ang.pdf r_15-ang.pdf r_17-ang.pdf r-8-ang.pdf r_19-ang.pdf r_20-ang.pdf r_21-ang.pdf r_22-ang.pdf r_23-ang.pdf r_24-ang.pdf r_25-ang.pdf r_26-ang.pdf r_27-ang.pdf r_28-ang.pdf r_29-ang.pdf r_30-ang.pdf r_31-ang.pdf r_32-ang.pdf r_33-ang.pdf r_34-ang.pdf r_35-ang.pdf r_36-ang.pdf r_37-ang.pdf r_38-ang.pdf r_39-ang.pdf r_40-ang.pdf […]